Social Fair & Social Work Day

In order to welcome new students in the 2017/2018 school year, Bina Nusantara International University holds Social Fair Day and Social Work Day. The event, which took place on 11-12 September 2017, involved 25 NGOs located around Jabodetabek, one of which was the GNOTA Foundation....

GNOTA Assistance Monitoring

GNOTA conducts monitoring of assistance to recipient schools in order to obtain information about the distribution of aid and benefits received by foster children. SDN Meruya Selatan 01 Jakarta is a monitoring destination located in Kembangan, Meruya Selatan, West Jakarta. The school received as many...

72nd Indonesia Independence Day

Yayasan GNOTA has been established since 21 years ago, has a role and continues to participate in educating the nation, actively assisting the government in completing the 9-year compulsory education, which will move into 12 years of compulsory education. Yayasan GNOTA has distributed 2.3 million education...

Iftar with Yayasan GNOTA

Ramadan has lasted more than 20 days. On Monday (6/19), Yayasan GNOTA was held breakfasting with employees and several other guests. This Ramadhan, Uztad Erick Yusuf gives tausiyah how we always act honestly at every opportunity, wherever we are. Because honesty makes trust that builds...

H3 Jakarta

The Association of Public Relations Hotel Indonesia Jakarta (H3 Jakarta) on Wednesday (14/6) held an iftar event with H3 Jakarta members, media crews and 22 foster children from SDN Cikini 02 Jakarta and SMP Plus Daarul Jannah, Tangerang. At the event, 22 foster children received Lebaran...

Garage Sale For Charity Juni 2017

Garage Sale for Hope was held again on Friday (9/6), at Yayasan GNOTA Office, Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Jakarta. In the event, there were children’s and adult branded clothing items, pants, skirts, books, shoes, sandals and more, even baby and children’s toys available. Brands of goods...

Alms for Educations

There is much need for the students from underprivileged families to enter the new school year. Support and help them through GNOTA. #AlmsForEducation

Garage Sale for Hope GNOTA

Comes to Garage Sale For Hope GNOTA June 2017 …. Find secondhand branded items, as you wish. Remember the day and the date. All the proceeds will be donated to prospective foster children from poor families.

Visit Morotai dan Monitoring Ternate

Welcoming the National Education day, May 2, 2017, Yayasan GNOTA hold an event located at SD BPD Filia, Morotai. The school children were very enthusiastic, because the event was held by screening short films about education, giving symbolic sports books and facilities to schools, and...