Event – Get Together in GNOTA

Towards the end of 2017 holidays, all employees and administrators of GNOTA gather together to meet and pray together, hoping that in the new year will get good and ease in every GNOTA process.

The activity, which was held on Thursday (21/12), was started with a photo session, and gathered in the GNOTA lounge room, to listen the information and remarks from the management representatives, as well as employee representatives to provide input, suggestions and wishes for the good of the GNOTA employees in the future .

After prayer together, as a closing activity, employees eat meatballs plus ice coconut together as a sign of familiarity between employees and management in carrying out GNOTA activities. Gratitude for all the blessings given by Allah SWT. This activity was held for a donation given by Pengawas GNOTA (Bapak Sarsito N. Sarwono) and employees who had planned it.

Thank you for the cooperation and togetherness that was created, hopefully this can continue to build enthusiasm in carrying out GNOTA’s tasks in the new year 2018, and can show good performance in GNOTA so that Indonesian children continue to study, until their high ideals are achieved.

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